Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Penang, Malaysia

Penang is an island.  It is the tourist destination for locals as well as international visitors. Other than the beaches, the other attractions are heritage buildings, great variety of food and culture.

vegetable farm

 the Goddess of Mercy temple


 Khoo Kongsi - the most popular heritage site

 Thai Buddist temple


Saturday, 7 January 2012

The Common Birdwing (Troides helena)

Managed to get a few shots of this beauty this morning.  The sun was bright and hot and the flowers are in full bloom thereby attracting this butterfly and others.

Sony DSLR A390 with Tamron 70-300mm

Enjoying the flowers

Got a shot of it in flight

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Do you edit your photos?  Many people have different ideas about this subject.  After all as the saying goes " beauty is in the eyes of the beholder".  Not technically speaking, the first glance will attract you to a photo because of the colour, the composition, creativity or some thing else and you will take a closer look for details.  Some like sharp features while others might go for soft presentation.

I love to edit.  Or should I say tweak here and there to make my photos more attractive like applying make-up.  Sometimes I will go beyond this just for fun.

Friday, 2 December 2011

I love nature

coming in for landing

hang on tight

shot this Ixora from the side which looks better than front view

drops of water hanging on the tip of the bamboo leaves after rain


Sunday, 13 November 2011

Heidelberg, Germany

This is a beautiful town.  We were here in April, 2011.  The following are some of my photos showing the Heidelberg Castle, the old bridge across the Neckar river & the street & town square.

a commercial street

the old bridge across the Neckar

the castle courtyard

the town square

the ruin part of the castle

the castle garden

one of the many narrow streets

part of the town